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PHOTOS BY TOUR : Tour 8 Tour 7-5 Tour 4 Tour 3 Tour 2-1
End of Tour 4 |
Cloudy Papua Freeway - manoeuvring at 11,500 ft |
Quid enim dices ? |
Highland landing roll (plus dog) |
Papua - working our way through a cloudy Freeway |
WAYB Bilorai - breaking off the approach from right base as cloud moves across finals |
Cloudy Freeway |
Passing opposite traffic over a cloud-filled Freeway |
Daytrip to waterfalls along the Kalis Lugara and Negari - road in |
Fish farm along Makini Road |
The last two kilometers to the pool on the Kali Negari ...walk through the river |
....and along a jungle path |
Pool and small waterfall in the middle of the jungle on the Kali Negari | the throes of jungle fever |
Along the jungle path by the Kali Negari |
Walking back through the Kali Lugara |
Jungle wall along the Kali Lugara |
Offset short finals for runway 09 at Bilorai (elev 6960') |
Strange light effect - the sun is rising BEHIND us |
Still from rearward facing GoPro - departing WABI Nabire runway 34 |
Still from GoPro - Nabire |
Still from GoPro |
Plateau between coast and West Papua highlands |
Turning finals at 7400 ft over the KP key point (Blue-Red-Blue buildings) |
Departing empty from WAYB Bilorai - so climbing well ! |
Asian One Air C208B Caravan PK - LTF landing Nabire |
The jungle wall east of Nabire |
West Papua, Indonesia |
Dog on the runway at Nabire |
Normality at Papua's airports at the end of the school day |
Camcorder stills with some PhotoShop - our Caravan descending into the heat mirage |
Another normal day for Papua's airports |
Trigana Air ATR taking off from Nabire |
School's out ! |
AMA Pilatus Porter departing Nabire |
Our favourite trees on short final at Nabire |
Sunrise captured by our Engineer Melli |
Camcorder Still - our Caravan on Runway 34 at WABI Nabire in 38 degree heat |
Camcorder Still - our Caravan lifting through the mirage of the 38 degree morning temperature |
'BattleChicken' Galactica - fighting cocks which are often worth more than the rest of the cargo |
GoPro Movie Still - working our way around Bilorai in bad weather |
GoPro Movie Still - landing at Bilorai in the rain |
Pantai Pasir Putih - mangrove beach |
Pantai Pasir Putih - tree in a tree |
Pantai Pasir Putih - our Engineer Marsel trapping pufferfish in the surf |
Pantai Pasir Putih (White Sands Beach) |
Our Avionics Engineer Jefri at his best |
GoPro Movie Still - tyre smoke on landing at WAYL Ilaga (elev 7500') |
GoPro Movie Still - departing WAYL Ilaga (elev 7500') |
AscoNusa C208A without Cargo Pod in the Freeway |
AscoNusa C208A in the Freeway at 10,500 ft |
Our Caravan as seen by AscoNusa in the Freeway at 10,500 ft |
GoPro Movie Still - our Ground Crew trying to fit 1000 kg of slippers into the aircraft |
GoPro Movie Still - unloading at Bilorai |
Counting fuel filler caps - ours were all still there |
GoPro Movie Still - Vx climb after departing Bilorai RWY09 with a very light load
GoPro Movie Still - departing Bilorai RWY27 |
Insect removal - not easy when the water evaporates out of the soapsuds before you get the chance to wipe For photos from previous Indonesia Tours CLICK HERE |